I screen ALL new clients for my safety and comfort, and I am selective. In order to secure a booking, you must pass screening with flying colors and be respectful and cooperative throughout the booking process.
I require real-world information from all clients. This means that I will only see you if you are comfortable with my verifying your identity.
Please send…
Your full name
Your phone number—I will not contact you via phone unless you ask me to do so!
Your email address
As well as one or more of the following:
LinkedIn profile—Please log in and take a screenshot of your profile to verify that it is your account.
A link to your work website bio with photo
A link to another website including a photo of you that verifies your employment and/or identity (e.g., IMDB page or Wikipedia entry)
A photo of you holding your clearly visible government-issued ID + a photo of just the ID
A photo of you holding your clearly visible work ID badge + a photo of just the badge
A photo of you holding your clearly visible business card + a photo of just the business card
A photo of you holding your clearly visible student ID + a photo of just the ID*
A message from your work email address or .edu email address